Monday, May 22, 2017


Escalators play an important role in train stations. Travellators are horizontal versions of escalators which don't go up or down.

Escalators should be used in conjunction with the escalator landing block to function properly.


The escalator item has a shapeless recipe and can be crafted with one cobblestone stair, one piston, and one redstone block. The items that place escalators 5, 10, 20, and 50 units at a time can be crafted as shown. The escalator landing block has a shapeless recipe as well and can be crafted with one stone slab, one iron block, and one redstone block.
The escalator item recipes.

The recipe for the escalator landing.

Operation and Physics


Escalators take up four blocks of space (two blocks wide and two blocks tall). Escalator landings take up six blocks of space (two blocks wide, two blocks tall, and two extra blocks for the sign).

Escalators can be a little challenging to place down. Here is a simple tutorial.
  1. Place down an escalator landing in the direction of where you want the escalator to face.
  2. Using the normal escalator item, continue placing down escalator units in the same direction.
  3. When the desired height is reached, place two blocks a few units behind the last escalator block.
  4. Using the two floating blocks as a workspace, place escalators to connect them to the existing section of the escalator. Make sure you are facing in the same direction. This is important.
  5. Break the two floating blocks and place an escalator landing in their place. This time, make sure you are facing in the opposite direction.
  6. Go back to the bottom landing and place two blocks of sandstone or sand two units under the escalator landing. If you use sandstone, the escalator will go up; if you use sand, the escalator will go down.
  7. Place redstone dust above the sandstone or sand. Power the redstone.
  8. The signs above the escalator landing can be toggled between the train icon and the exit sign. Right click the sign with a brush to do so.
  9. Optionally, place down sign posts on the sides to connect to the sign.
1. Place down an escalator landing.
2. Place down escalator units.
2. Escalator units should be placed in the same direction as before.
3. Place two floating blocks a few units behind the highest escalator unit.
4. Place escalators to connect the floating blocks to the existing escalator.
4. Make sure you are facing in the right direction.
5. Finish off the escalator by placing an escalator landing
in place of the floating blocks in the opposite direction.
6. Add sandstone or sand two units below the bottom landing.
7. Place redstone dust on top of the sand or sandstone. Power it.
8. The sign can be toggled using a brush.
9. Sign posts can be used on the sides.

Powering and Usage

As mentioned above, the direction of the escalator units are very important. It will be apparent if this is done properly once the escalator is powered. If sandstone is placed two blocks beneath the landing, the escalator will move up. If sand is used instead, the escalator will move down.

When an entity comes in contact with a moving escalator, the entity would be moved in that direction. "Fighting against the flow" is possible, because the escalator doesn't move too fast.


A completed escalator.
Note that a small post appears when a block is placed over the sign.
Three sheep are riding a pair of travellators.
A pair of escalators rise high above travellators.
A set of escalators at a station.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  3. so,how to make a straight escalator?

    1. Hi, what do you mean exactly? The way to place escalators are outlined above. Which part are you confused about?

    2. The Way To place escalators are outlined above.

  4. Is there a way to make a escalator without having 2 blocks under it? i dont have any room below the escalator to place anything at all

    1. to place yes but you can break it (only if it is on the top floor if on bottom no you need sand/sandstone)

  5. 你好,請問可不可以加升降機嗎?

  6. I am having some problems using the 1.12 version of this mod. Are escalator landings and escalator units the same thing? I can't seem to be able to craft escalator landings. I have got the travelators working.

  7. in 1.12 the escalator seems to be powered automatically and placing sand or sandstone doesnt effect this i can only make up escalator

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I forgot to put sandstones under the escalator so the escalator cannot move :o

  10. I want to say that I can't make a going down escalator,but why?

    1. Put sand under the escalator landing. Then put redstone above the sand. After that, place a lever and turn it on to downbound the escalator.

  11. 如何弄向下的扶手电梯?

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  14. Can you try making this for mobile too?
